Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today would have been my mother's 86th birthday.
She died suddenly on June 5, 2007. We all miss her, but are thankful that she was able to leave this earth the way she had hoped to.....not being hooked to machines, and not being forced to live in pain.

As we approach Thanksgiving Day, a day that was sometimes her birthday, I am thankful that I do not have to say "I wish I could have spent more time with her". My mother was a simple woman, but also someone who truly appreciated all she had in life. What she appreciated most was her family. A few years ago I made a video of her life to give to her great-grandchildren. When I asked her what her favorite memories were, she said "Watching my children grow up". Family was always important to her, and she passed that down to her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

My mother was a real trooper. We could get her to do anything, go anywhere. And go anywhere, we did. We went to the Oregon Coast and rode bicycles on the beach. We went camping. We spent weekends in SunRiver. More than once we went to Florida and Wisconsin to visit relatives. We went to Las Vegas. We had sleepovers.

She dressed in costumes and sang silly songs. She danced to YMCA at her granddaughter's wedding. She made funny videos with her grandsons. She played catch with her great-grandson.....even while using a cane.

Three months before my mother died, my niece had a birthday party for her 2-year old daughter. She wanted us to have a slumber party afterwards....with just the girls....her grandma included. My sister and her granddaughter from Florida surprised us all by jumping out of a giant present. My mom was using a walker at the time, but she stayed overnight and sang karaoke with us. My favorite memory is of three of her great-grandhcildren arguing over who got to help her down the stairs.

My mother was very patriotic, a life-long Democrat, and I don't think she ever missed an election. She loved participating in the 4th of July Parade, and continuously won 1st Place in the costume contest. She was not a feminist, but was awed by successful women. She love reading biographies of famous women. When we buried her, we noticed how fitting it was that her grave was next to a female doctor. Mom would have been delighted.

My siblings and I decided early on that it was important to spend time with my mom. We were lucky, because she was fun and easy to be around. But when we were planning one trip, one member of my family said she couldn't afford to go. Another member told her "You can't afford NOT to go".
I am very thankful that I appreciated my mom while she was still alive. Please do not let it be too late for any of you.


  1. Regret is one of the worst feelings. Especially if you can't remedy it. For people who do/did not have a wonderful Mother and family hopefully they have an extended family that they will appreciate while they can. Happy Birthday Mother!

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mother! Just got back from St.Louis and had time to read, but not to post. Keep up the great work!

  3. Echo everything you wrote. Mom never had a bad thought or word about anyone. Something we can all learn from. Happy birthday, mom.

