Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Progressive Talkers I Respect and Admire

I live in a liberal community, in a liberal city, in a liberal state, so most of the people I associate with know the names Thom Hartmann and Carl Wolfson. But if you haven't heard them yet, please find them on your nearest radio dial. If not on your radio, check them out on-line. They are absolutely the most brilliant people you will hear on talk radio.

Carl Wolfson lives in Portland, Oregon and does a local show weekday mornings on KPOJ 620 from 6-9am. He's a gay, stand up comic, with a knowledge of history you wouldn't believe. He's passionate about the issues. You get a little comedy mixed in with progressive politics. Thom Hartmans sometimes joins him, and sometimes hosts for him in his absence.

Thom Hartmann is on Air America, and his national show broadcasts from Portland on KPOJ 620 from 9am-noon. Thom also lives in Portland and is brilliant. Literally. I think he's a mensa. He's written numerous books on subjects ranging from ADD to politics. I mean it when I say this man is brilliant! He practically has the constitution memorized. He has lived all over the world, most recently residing in Vermont, one of my very favorite places to visit.

Maybe I'm drinking their cool-aid, but I really believe both Carl and Thom are doing their shows because they believe in a cause, and not for entertainment. I have learned so much from them. Please check them out. You will not regret it.


  1. I will definately check them out. On another note, I have this obession with reading conservative blogs. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are two that I check out on a daily basis. This is probably not healthy, but I am really interested in hearing what the far right has to say. It can be scary....really scary.

  2. As long as you don't start agreeing with them!

  3. Seriously, I think it's important to listen to different points of view. This is how we learn to develop our own ideas.

  4. You are a Lampella? I thought my family was the only herd of Lampella's on the West Coast... Surely, we must be related somewhere but I assume it is way back... All the Lampella's I know are conservative, but just as passionate and articulate about their political view points. :P I like your ambition.

    Ty Lampella

  5. Thanks for your comments, Ty...but where did you find the name Lampella???
