Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Moving forward

Well, the mean-spirited comments about me continue on I had hoped it would ignite a discussion about affordable health care, instead, it became an assault on me as a person, and all of my views in general. But I'm moving forward.

We all know people who live in the past....who just can't get over something that was lacking in their childhood....and now they have a burden to carry for the rest of their lives. My husband has a relative like that. Mom and dad didn't do enough of this or that for her....blah, blah, blah...and now she's had to suffer for the rest of her life. I think it's sad that she's distanced herself from a wonderful family because of her imagined (or unimagined) memories. And she can't have a conversation with a brother or sister without reminding them of how bad she had it as a child.

Imagine how much more fulfilling our lives would be if we just moved forward.

On the morning of November 5th, when I saw pictures of people dancing in the streets around the world, I had great hopes for our country moving forward. For all mankind moving forward. We live in a global community, and I am hopeful that the world will someday be safer, residents of all nations will be richer and healthier, and everyone will have respect for each other. But we cannot do that if we stay in the past....if we berate people instead of discussing issues....if we do not have a desire to get along.

During the campaign, I had been having a friendly debade (via email) with my nephew in Florida. Just after the results came in from Ohio, and before the votes were counted on the west coast, he sent me an email that said "Congratulations. It looks like Obama's going to win". Then he went to to say that he thinks he'll make a good President, and he'll support him, because we should support our President. I wish I could have been as gracious in a loss. I hope we all use him as an example and move forward. Quit the bickering. Don't we all have the same goal, to make this a better country? To make our word safer? Our citizens stronger, healthier, smarter?

Thanks NTMc.....thanks for starting the move forward!


  1. I think about my operation,and wonder what if my mother didn't have insurance,would I have a pig valve,or take medication every day for the rest of my life,or not even have the surgery at all and callapse on a football field some where.And i cant help but think about the people who aren't as lucky as me,you see thats the thing about insurance it allows you to get preventive care versus waiting until something happens.I was thirteen going to a standard check up when they found my problem,I didn't look,or feel sick.
    thats why I agree with you.Should have the right to health care

  2. You know, the whole moving forward thing is very hard for some people. We all want to move forward, but sometimes the past can really hurt. This is an extreme example, but try telling an Israeli to move forward and not think about violence inflicted on them. Same with the Palestinians! I am one for moving forward, but I understand why some people live in the past. There is a difference between creating a memorial and actually living in the past, but some people will never be able to let go...does that make sense? It's a vicious circle.

  3. I agree with whipcreamy that some things are just to difficult to leave in the past. There are some things we should never let go of. Let's never let go of the Holocost. Let's never let go of 9-11. We need the memories and even anger of events like these in order to move forwad and do our best to keep these from happening again. Learn from the past.

  4. Wow...I guess you both put me in my place. I didn't mean that we had to forget the past. Or even that we had to just forget about pain and sufferring. I guess what I was trying to say was - let's try to work together. I was discouraged about the comments from ann coulter's followers, and thought they had some displaced anger. I think the example that Obama is setting by wanting to work with McCain and other Republicans (and even forgiving Lieberman) is a breath of fresh air. Some of the hate-based propoganda out there is counter-productive. Obama has received more death threats than any other President-elect, and I believe some of it is the result of the perpretators of hate speech. When I say let's move forward, I mean, let's work for a better America.

  5. Progressive- I am not doubting anything you said at all. You are right, we NEED to move forward. I was just saying that it is hard. If you go to California, do you think Ellen Degeneres want to work with someone who does not believe that she is an equal citizen? I think the Repulican and Democratic ideologies are so different that we will never see eye to eye. I am sorry that I am a pessemist. I would like to be more optomistic. I hope I don't turn into a bitter old lady!

  6. Maybe I'm being a little too hopeful. As I'm writing this, I'm watching the DOW drop 440 points to 7500, and I'm feeling pessimistic about our financial future. As far as California, it looks like they took a step backwards instead of forward. But we can never give up hope. What would've happened if Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King had given up? It wasn't too long ago that it was illegal for Barack Obama's parents to get married. There will always be bigots, and always people who can't get along (or just don't want to). But I don't want to be one of those people.

  7. I guess I didn't express myself very well. I was directing my comment at the people who hold onto anger and resentment and even seem to relish it. I think they would be better off if they used the past experience or negative event to figure out a better way, to move forward and make things better.

  8. That's true! Maybe my glass is half empty this week...usually it's half full!
