Sunday, December 21, 2008

Shades of Grey on a Snowy Day

Photo taken at 9:15 am Sunday 12/21

Ok, so I'm whining.

We've had a full week of snow, unusual for Portland. Right now we have a foot of snow in our yard, with 2 foot drifts in some spots. The car tracks in the street are covered over from last night's blizzard. This morning we woke up and our power was out. Luckily, we have a couple of gas fireplaces, so we lit them to keep warm. We have a gas range and can light the pilot light to cook. But what about coffee? How do I make my latte? And how do I grind my coffee beans? And where's my Sunday paper?

I found some old coffee in the cupboard, heated water on the stove, and found my camping coffee maker in the camping stuff. Ugh. Terrible. Added a little cocoa to make a cafe mocha. Bad. Note to self: throw out all old coffee.

Since we recently 'bundled' our cable service.....Internet, cable TV, and phone....we were without a phone (that's because this moron didn't charge up her cell phone last night and the battery is low). We sat in the car in the garage for a few minutes charging my phone, and trying to catch some news on the radio. Its funny....the TV news stations show the storm coverage 24/7, whether we like it or not, but try to find out what's happening on the radio when your power is such luck! No TV, no Internet, no phone, no lights, no coffee. I didn't realize how much I counted on electricity.

I went for a walk, for something to do. Neighbors are out, shoveling their walks, walking dogs, or trying to dig out cars that have been left by the side of the road for the past 5 days. Walked to our little "Village Marketplace". Starbucks was closed, but there was a stack of The Sunday Oregonian. Papers were taken and money was left as payment. I grabbed a paper and left 2 bucks.

When I got home the power was on. Yea! I can have my latte and read the paper. Isn't life grand?


  1. Well, for all of the hassles that the storm has caused, atleast you'll have a TRUE white christmas! We here on the East coast have been getting pummled....but I LOVE it. During a storm in my town there is no parking on the street. You have to park your car in municipal lots. Walking a mile to my car this morning, it was nice to see people help each other dig their cars out of the snow. Life slows down just a bit and everyone is, on average, much friendlier.

  2. Yes, people ARE friendlier. I've met neighbors for the first time, and everyone is helping each other. A lot of people can't even get home...they just leave their cars. Our street never gets plowed. There are so many hills and some of the streets are icy, that it makes driving dangerous. We'll have a white Christmas, but I hope we're not stuck at home.
